The Solemn Investitures of Parte Guelfa for 2020 and 2021 will be celebrated in Florence according to the usual ancient ritual, between 19th and 21st November 2021 at the monumental Rectories of San Carlo and Orsanmichele, the splendid Basilica of Santa Croce and the magnificent Palagio of Parte Guelfa. The Sisters and Confreres of the Archconfraternity of Parte Guelfa will welcome the Aspirants, the new Knights and the new Dames, who have passed the course and admitted by the Consiglio di Credenza. The program of the Ceremonies includes the meeting of the traditional procession starting from Orsanmichele and the arrival at the beautiful Basilica of Santa Croce where the Vigil of Arms will be held on the evening of Friday 19th November, this year very conspicuous in international contributions. The procession of the Knights dof Parte Guelfa, led by Consul Luciano Artusi, will carry the insignia, seals and all the symbols of Guelphism, will walk through the historic center and will touch Piazza del Duomo and Piazza della Signoria.

Accompanied by pieces of Baroque music conducted by Giacomo Granchi, Maestro di Cappella of Parte Guelfa, the ancient ceremony of the Vigil of Arms will offer multicultural and interreligious reflections dedicated to the relationship between man and nature useful for the moral preparation of old and new Brothers and Sisters. On Saturday 20th and on the morning of Sunday 21st November the Investitures will be celebrated in Palagio di Parte Guelfa where, as per the ancient Florentine Guelph tradition, the rituals of the call of the Investendi, of the oath, of the signing and of the decoration will be held. This double edition, sponsored by the Municipality of Florence which will be present with the Mayor Dario Nardella, with the Deputy Mayor Alessia Bettini and with the Councilors Alessandro Martini and Cecilia Del Re and organized with the precious collaboration of the Opera di Santa Croce chaired by Cristina Acidini and communication responsible by Caterina Barboni, marks a further and great opening of the Guelph Party to new international adherents among which prominent personalities such as Salah Cherif Brahimi, Joy Malka Rothenberg, Mohamed Khalid Al Ali, Maitha Al Falasi, Saad Assim Al Janabi, David Edwin Wilson Arkless, Raphael Nagel, Carl-Eduard von Bismarck-Schönhausen, Mitch Lowe, Sohan Roy, Giannozzo Pucci di Barsento, Fulvio Mamone Capria, Sperello di Serego Alighieri, Christopher Abrahams, Mazdaq Rafaty, Rosy Mattei, Aroldo Curzi Mattei, Cosma Panzacchi, Giovanni Bernabei, Mario Boselli, Manuel Collas de la Roche, Gabriella Incisa di Camerana, Stefano Cordero di Montezemolo, Paolo and Jacopo Caucci Von Saucken, Pier Felice degli Uberti, Alessio Ferrari Angelo-Comneno and Guglielmo Giovannelli Marconi who will add their contribution as Brothers and Sisters to the fulfillment of the statutory purposes, first of all the mission of environmental protection. Special gratitude to Father Giancarlo Corsini, Father Guardian of the Convent of Santa Croce and to Monsignor Vasco Giuliani, Rector of San Carlo and Orsanmichele for their passionate participation.

Parte Guelfa, at the same time an Institution of cavalry and Archconfraternity, has been dedicated to safeguarding the environment since 1549 thanks to the assignment conferred by Cosimo I Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany. Parte Guelfa was established in 1266 by the knights of Florence to free the capital of Tuscany and the municipalities of Italy from the Hohenstaufen empire and for this good cause received the approval and seals from the French Pope Clement IV who was the main European authority, the only one able to give and confirm privileges to kingdoms and institutions. Until the 21st century, for over seven centuries, the Knights and Dames have always been Italian and obviously they were Catholic Christians. Today Parte Guelfa is a universal institution where nearly 50 nationalities of all religious confessions are represented. Together there are Jews, Christians (German Protestants, Swedish Protestants, Waldensians, Adventists, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Romanian Orthodox, Catholics, Armenians, Melkites, Maronites, Baptists, Anglicans), Muslims (Sunnis and Shiites), Druze, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Lakotas and even atheists are represented.

Parte Guelfa respects all traditions in a totally neutral way and will always keep this line to honor and include all identities and differences considering them as its main treasure. Parte Guelfa is a universal institution, a community of brothers and sisters active to save Mother Earth, our common home, since we are all responsible for preserving it for future generations; as we all share the same biology, we all breathe the same air and all drink the same water.

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Marco Crisci